Life science leaders know they need to re-imagine their business models in order to meet the evolving needs of payers, providers, patients and regulators. They also understand that without change, their businesses will either fail to thrive or fail altogether.
90% see the need for new leadership skills in the near future.
73% say they need to attract, retain and promote talent.
53% agree that women are the single biggest underutilized pool of talent in the industry.
In spite of above facts, only few have taken concrete steps towards addressing issues. Fewer than one-fifth of life science companies have a structured and formal program used to identify and develop women’s careers into leadership within their organization. At a slightly larger percentage, some indicate that they have an informal program used to identify and develop women’s careers into leadership, but with no plans to formalize it. Nearly half of respondents say that they develop women and men equally as part of an existing leadership program — and that they have no intention of changing it.
It is of little surprise, then, that a majority of life science leaders (63%) expect to see only a slight increase in the proportion of women in senior leadership positions within their organizations over the next years. More than a quarter expect to see no change at all.
The model above is an extract from the Ernst & Young article “You think gender diversity has nothing to do with performance in life sciences?” – to read more please click here:$FILE/ey-you-think-gender-diversity-has-nothing-to-do-with-performance-in-life-sciences.pdf
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