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Denmark is the Best Place in the World for Health Care Investments and Work

The Danish health care industry is unparalleled when it comes to measuring the best place in the world to work and place health care investments. With some of the world’s most flexible labour market conditions and highly skilled workforce, a corporate tax rate of 22 per cent, modest bureaucracy and competitive business costs, Denmark is a highly attractive choice for foreign investors and workers.

Being close to the ex pat community in Denmark, it still amazes me how fortunate most foreign people working in Denmark feel about being in our country. Yes, Danes should practice being more open and welcoming, however, this limitation is greatly outweighed by a society that is perceived safe, accessible, easy to navigate in and effortless to communicate with.

But if you are looking for even more positive differentiators, the health care industry in Denmark delivers the "home run"(1):

Denmark has the largest commercial drug development pipeline in Europe measured in drugs per inhabitant

  • Danish clinical research is a world leader: according to current available ratings (source: Invest in Denmark), Danish publications rank in the top in the most commonly used listings

  • The Danish national health service is currently being transformed into one of the most modern health services in the world

The Danish medical device industry is the 2nd. largest in Europe measured by market size per capita

  • Denmark is a global leader in the deployment and use of Health IT systems

  • The Danish population is homogeneous and clinical standards are well described. There is access to comprehensive national health registries and quality databases.

  • Framework conditions conducive to research and business development in healthcare and welfare has wide political support.

  • Denmark has achieved the Barcelona objective of investing 3 per cent of GDP in R&D.

Surely, there are many areas where we can improve, however, in a world where building barriers increasingly seem to be the order of the day, we are a small nation that see no other way than to co-operate with the outside world. As a nation we hope to build partnerships with people across continents who wish to contribute positively to our society while enjoying the benefits of a well-ordered society and a trusting, slightly credulous yet surprisingly happy nation of people.

We hope to see you soon....


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