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When do you know it's time to quit your job?

Fish jumping from one fish bowl to the next
Moving to a new fish-bowl


When the only thoughts crossing your mind about your job are negative, it's a strong indicator that it might be time to seek new challenges. If you constantly feel like you're stuck in a rut, bored, or obligated to work rather than finding joy in it, then read on. However, always remember that everyone experiences days or periods that are less enjoyable than others at work. Nonetheless, you should always have a certain level of motivation to go to work – whether it's good colleagues, a great location, or fundamentally, exciting tasks.

...and remember when resigning from a leadership position - or any position, it is critical to effectively manage the process, because a well-managed, tactful and professional exit can prove invaluable to your career in the long-term, allowing you to keep the network and relationships that you have worked so hard to establish.


The general advice

The best and most general advice is to listen to yourself. You know best whether you've hit a dead end in your current job. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to determine alone whether quitting is the right choice. Therefore, it can make sense to discuss it with others and get their perspective on the matter. But remember, if you decide to leave your leadership position, it is paramount that you have a clear rationale for choosing to resign. Uncertainty or doubts associated to the reasons you have decided to leave a company can create frustrations for all parties involved, also for a prospective employer or a headhunter working on your behalf.


The first sign – feeling drained and exhausted

The first sign that you might consider quitting your job is if you often feel drained and exhausted. If your job drains your energy to the point where you struggle to handle other tasks in your daily life, and you rarely feel motivated to socialize outside of work – well, if work generally dominates your life and you can't handle it, then maybe it's time to step back.


Some of the reasons we as humans can feel drained and exhausted at our jobs include not being challenged enough, being overwhelmed with challenges, or not experiencing progress in our careers. If you can relate to not feeling like you're making progress and personal growth, then it might be time to have a talk with your manager, and if this turns out fruitless , looking in the direction of other jobs is a natural next step.


Not enough recognition and room for growth

It's important for us humans that our workplace and bosses recognize our hard work and allow room for us to grow with our tasks. If your current employer doesn't support your professional growth, it can quickly lead to burnout. But before you quit, it might be a good idea to talk to management or your boss, as sometimes it turns out there are fundamental misunderstandings underlying the issues. If you clarify to your manager that you feel the company doesn't appreciate your professional level enough – then inform them about it in a tactful, constructive and professional way!


Missing the work-life balance

Another sign is if you feel you don't have work-life balance. It's no good if your job becomes your entire identity, and suddenly you can't recognize yourself anymore. It's important that you have energy for your family and social circle because without a balance between work and personal life, we quickly burn out. Claim your vacations and make sure to take time off when you actually have time off – it boosts your energy levels.


If your health is being affected

Last but not least – if your health is affected by your job. We live in a time where many are affected by stress, the pressure is extremely high, and we push ourselves more than we should too often. If you in any way feel that your health is being harmed by your job, seek medical attention first and foremost, get a professional assessment, and assess based on that and your emotional state whether you should continue working at your current workplace. Nothing is so important that we should put our own health aside.


If you're still unsure whether to quit your job, then take away from this that it's important to talk to someone about it. Listen to your gut feeling and go with what you feel is right. There's no exact formula for when to quit your job – only you know it.

...and a few pieces of advice

When resigning from an executive role, you have most likely already finalized the details of a new position. However, remember not to resign until you have signed your new contract as it can be revoked at any time prior to acceptance. Moreover, you should always follow the resignation procedure of the company you are leaving. By demonstrating a respect for internal processes and keeping confidentiality throughout will be key to maintaining your good reputation. Additionally, resigning in person is always best practice, and your direct superior should always be the first person you inform of your intentions to leave the firm. When communicating your resignation, be gracious and positive about your time at the company (and include these positive notes in your resignation letter too). Never focus on the shortcommings of your current employer as you resign, but what the prospective role offers in terms of career progression and personal growth, and remember, you are not compelled to mention the name of the firm you are moving to unless you want to or by contract are required to do so. Rather, be vague; stating that you were offered what seems to be a great opportunity that could be valuable for your continuous development.



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